Monday, October 26, 2009

조용한 믿음의 힘 (Quite Strength)

Super Bowl 우승팀 감독의 간증 

“세상을 목적으로 살지 마십시오. Super Bowl Championship, 우승반지, 명예, 재산도 그리스도가 없으면 아무것도 아닙니다. 우리는 세상적인 성공을 위해 부름받은 것이 아니라 신실하게 살도록 부름받았습니다.” 2007년도 Super Bowl에서 우승한 인디애나폴리스 콜츠 팀 감독 토니 던지가 롬바르디 트로피를 받은 후에 한 말입니다. 

그는 Footbowl 선수였고 현재 Footbowl 감독으로 일하지만 Footbowl은 Footbowl일 뿐이라고 말합니다. Footbowl이 자신에게 준 명예와 물질보다 위대하신 하나님이 그에게 훨씬 더 우선순위에 있기 때문입니다. 그는 흑인 최초로 Super Bowl 우승팀 감독이 되었지만 Super Bowl에서 뿐만 아니라 그의 삶의 전 영역에서 진정한 믿음의 사람으로서 영향력을 미치며 롤 모델로 살아가고 있습니다. 그는 자신의 성공비결을 하나님을 최우선에 두는 신앙’이라고 단호하게 말합니다. 

몇년전 수퍼볼 게임이 있던 날, 고등부 아이들과 부모님들이 교회 2층에 TV와 음식을 준비하고 미리 구입해 놓은 Tony Dungy 의 간증 DVD를 보며 함께 은혜 받은 기억이 새롭게 납니다.

Tony Dungy, head coach of the Indianapolis Colts, shares how he came to Christ at Athletes in Action / Super Bowl Breakfast 2007


Tony Dungy's words and example have intrigued millions of people, particularly following his victory in Super Bowl XLI, the first for an African American coach. How is it possible for a coach--especially a football coach--to win the respect of his players and lead them to the Super Bowl without the screaming histrionics, the profanities, the demand that the sport come before anything else? How is it possible for anyone to be successful without compromising faith and family? In this inspiring and reflective memoir, Coach Dungy tells the story of a life lived for God and family--and challenges us all to redefine our ideas of what it means to succeed. 

He led his team to #1 in the world-and showed the world a better way to live, lead, and succeed. 

When Tony Dungy led the Indianapolis Colts to victory in Super Bowl XLI-and made history as the first African American coach to win the big game-millions of people, amazed by the success of his quiet, authoritative leadership style, wondered: how does he get it done? 

In the pages of this fascinating memoir, Tony Dungy reveals the secrets to his success-principles, practices, and priorities that have kept him on track despite overwhelming personal and professional obstacles, including firings, stereotypes, and the tragic loss of a child. 

In the face of so much adversity, Tony has not only survived but risen to the very top of his profession in a way that’s won the respect of fans, players, and even his competitors. His thoughts on leading, succeeding, and attaining true significance will inspire you to take a long, hard look at the things that really matter in your own life.

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